
10th Pass

Job Description:

Individuals in this job provide patient care and assist in preparing patients unit. Some of the key responsibilities of a General Duty Assistant are to provide personal care, comfort and assistance in fulfilling the nutritional and elimination needs of the patient while ensuring their safety

Course Outcomes:

  • Explain the role and responsibilities of a GDA
  • Maintain proper body mechanics while handling the patient
  • Ensure patient safety while carrying out procedures
  • Prepare patient unit
  • Assist the healthcare team for basic patient care like dressing, grooming
  • Assist in maintaining nutrition and hydration and elimination needs
  • Transfer patient samples and documents within the hospital
  • Assist hospital staff in carrying out end of life care
  • Apply infection control measures and dispose biomedical waste according to the standard protocols
  • Promote safety and apply usage of personal protective equipment

Course Duration:

1000 hours (240:00 Hours duration) for Classroom,
180:00 Hours Skill Lab Training
580:00 Hours of mandatory OJT


Healthcare Sector Skill Council (HSSC)

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Course Curriculum

SN Course Topics Hours (Including Practical)
1 Introduction to Healthcare systems 5
2 Broad function of patient care Assistant 20
3 Introduction to Human body- Structure & function 5
4 Personal hygiene and professional behaviour 10
5 Biomedical waste management 10
6 Emergency Medical response 5
7 Body mechanics 10
8 Positioning/Transferring/Mobility of patients 10
9 Observing and reporting 10
10 Consent, documentation & Records 10
11 Patient rights & environment 10
12 Patient basic care and needs 10
13 Elimination 10
14 Bed making 10
15 Fall Prevention 10
16 Mortuary management 10
17 Special procedures 10
18 Role of GDA- Sanitation, safety & first Aid 15
19 Infection control & prevention 15
20 Institutional emergencies in healthcare & response to patient call 10
21 Basic Computer Knowledge 10
22 Soft Skills & communications 15
Total Learning Hours 240
Total OJT Hours 180
Total Course Hours 420
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Donta Mahalakshmi

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