
10th Pass

Job Description:

Individuals in this job provide assistance to patients with diverse needs in carrying out their daily livingactivities at different care settings like home, old age home, hospice, etc. Some of the key responsibilitiesof a Home Health Aide are to provide personal care, comfort and assistance to the patient while they arecoping up with their health conditions. They also report the health status to the service providers or otherhealth professionals.

Course Outcomes:

  • Explain the role and responsibilities of a home health aide
  • Provide care pertaining to hygiene and grooming at home setting
  • Maintain proper body mechanics while handling the patient
  • Ensure patient safety while carrying out procedures
  • Support patients with diverse needs such as geriatric/paralytic/ immobile patient in implementation of their care plan
  • Apply infection control measures and dispose biomedical waste according to the standard protocols
  • Assist in maintaining nutrition and hydration and elimination needs
  • Promote safety and demonstrate proper usage of personal protective equipment

Course Duration:

1000 hours


Healthcare Sector Skill Council (HSSC)

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Course Curriculum

SN Course Topics Hours (Including Practical)
1 Introduction to functions of home health Aide 5
2 Personal Hygiene and hygiene standards 8
3 Patient Safety 9
4 Primary Medical Care 4
5 Immunization 4
6 Biomedical Waste management 10
7 Emergency Medical response 8
8 Structure and function of human Body 8
9 Body mechanics 10
10 Medical terminology 3
11 Professional behaviour in home settings 5
12 Consent, Observing and reporting 5
13 Documentation 5
14 Patient Rights 5
15 Patient Environment 6
16 First Aid 5
17 Emergency medical response-II 9
18 Role of HHA in special care 8
19 Measurements 7
20 Dressing 8
21 Infection control & prevention 8
22 Bathing 8
23 Skin care 8
24 Oral care 8
25 Hair & Nail Care 8
26 Excreta Elimination 8
27 Nutrition & Hydration 7
28 Positioning 5
29 Transferring 7
30 Mobility 7
31 Fall prevention 7
32 Special procedures 7
33 Soft skills & Communication 20
Total Learning Hours 240
Total OJT Hours 120
Total Course Hours 360
Author Images
Devabrat Jha

Author Images
Zakia jaidi

Author Images
Anand Kumar

Author Images
Ritwik Masih