
10th Pass

Job Description:

Retail Sales Associate_ Pharma course is designed to provide multi-disciplined skills necessary to work in a hospital or community pharmacy settings. Retail Sales Associate helps licensed pharmacists with administrative and customer service roles in running a pharmacy and this course aims at building key competencies required for the learner.

Course Outcomes:

  • Develop and maintain professional relationships which adhere to professional, legal, and ethical standards aligned to the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Assist the pharmacists in their certain routine practices for dealing with retail pharmacy management.
  • Manage the sales counter of a retail pharmacy outlet.
  • Manage the procurement and inventory of drugs in pharmacy stores

Course Duration:

338 hours


Apollo MedSkills Limited

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Course Curriculum

SN Course Topics Hours
A. Basics for Pharmacy Assistant
1 Introduction to Pharmacy 10
2 Basics of Pharmacology 22
3 Medical terminology 6
4 Assistance in medicine dispensing 20
5 Work environment management 22
6 Customer service in retail pharmacy 10
7 English communication 10
8 Soft Skills 16
B. Inventory Management
1 Stock inventory management 20
2 Drug storage and pharmacy maintenance 20
C. Digital Skills
1 Digital skills for RSA 14
Total Learning Hours 170
Total OJT Hours 168
Total Course Hours 338
Author Images
Shaik Yunus Basha

Author Images

Author Images
Sakshi kumari

Author Images
Pratibha Mehta